I'll go backwards on those. As a fuel, it is designed to work with gasoline in order to combust to create momentum in a vehicle. That's its design. It is very different from crude oil, however, in that it is biogenic. It will evaporate. It will degrade naturally. It's alcohol, so it does not have the same flammability characteristics that crude oil would have.
On the NOx and SOx side, absolutely, you see a huge reduction in particulate emissions as a result of advanced biofuel blends and higher biofuel blends. I think that was the point of our partnership with the Asthma Society. They recognize that.
On the GHG side, it ranges from anywhere between 60% compared to petroleum all the way up to 99% compared to petroleum. It's a GHG reduction that contributes to the economy and creates jobs, as opposed to critics who would say that GHG policy only takes away from the economy. I think the government should be lauded for the creation of the renewable fuel standard, which did in fact create jobs, particularly in rural areas.
Finally, on combatting the myths, I could, as a full-time job, just go from person to person and combat the myths that I've heard about our industry, all the way from teen pregnancy increases in North Dakota.... It is ridiculous—