If I understand you correctly, then, the federal government has not done anything so far in that regard; it hasn't had any involvement in the circular economy. I believe you included a recommendation on the issue at the end of your document. I am sure it will end up in the final report since you explained how the linear economy was no longer sustainable in the long run, either in terms of pollution or greenhouse gases.
I also noted that you pointed out the fact that waste management represented a huge cost for municipalities. I believe I saw somewhere in your notes that they spend $2 billion or several billion dollars managing waste. I wouldn't want to make a liar out of you. It's actually $2.5 billion that municipalities spend on waste management. Hence the tremendous importance of the federal government getting involved in the area.
You recommended that the federal government develop a national waste reduction strategy and introduce related incentives. Could you kindly elaborate on that recommendation and give us some examples of incentives the federal government could introduce? What might a national strategy look like?