I'm aware of a number of those. They don't necessarily work with us. I think Norampac, of Cascades, is an excellent example of one of those industry leaders. I mentioned a number of other companies in particular sectors that are doing all sorts of innovative things.
Some of the difficulties that recyclers in other industry sectors identify are things that are completely manageable—low or non-existent tipping fees for municipal landfills, for example, or the huge differentiation between Canadian tipping fees and American tipping fees when so much of our population is so close to the United States. Those are disincentives to do anything other than get rid of it somewhere else.
Our population is simply growing. The difficulty is that the growth in waste is higher than the population growth and is higher than the economic growth. This means that we have not rid ourselves, in any way, shape, or form, of the disposal aspect of our society, the “toss it in the bin” aspect. I grew up in the Bic pen and Bic lighter era. The marketing behind it was that you simply use it and throw it away. We still seem to have that.