I think we're all going down the same path, but I do want to continue on with the packaging aspect of things. My sense is that's where industry has the best opportunity. You talk about the regulations on recycling, and the differences from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, as some of the challenges you face. I think what industry does have in its own hands today is the packaging aspect and the ability to package in the most environmentally friendly way. Nobody's telling them today, other than with food products, the type of boxing needed in order to protect that food from contamination, etc. Nobody's telling them what size of box they have to put it in, or what size the product has to be.
Mr. McKay used the example of Apple, but you talk about cereals. I've had the example of cereals where you buy the double-sized box and there are actually two boxes inside the box, rather than just the actual sleeve. I think that's where the industry and your association have the ability to really influence their membership. Is there a plan on the part of your industry to work with your membership on things such as that, to really look at how we can get away from the recycling aspect, which is a little bit out of our control? I'm not suggesting ignoring the recycling aspect completely.
At the front end, which we really can control, are there plans to bring this forward to your membership?