I'm going to go through a list of where there's a difference between the province and what is proposed.
As I mentioned in my opening remarks, this bill would not allow mining on the land. The province does not have that covered. It prohibits removal of native plants and fossils on the land. Again, the province does not have that protection. It directly prohibits hunting on the land. Again, the province does not have that. It allows for full protection under the Species at Risk Act, which the province does not cover. It also effectively covers waste dumping. Again, the province does not have that. The fines and penalties for illegal activity such as poaching are equivalent to those in the national parks. Again, the province does not have that covered. There are year-round dedicated enforcement officers. Again, the province does not cover that. The full protection of the park from Lake Ontario to the Oak Ridges Moraine is covered. The province, again, does not have that. It also provides an ecological link between Lake Ontario and the Oak Ridges Moraine. The province doesn't cover that.