Thank you all, and thank you, Mr. Latourelle, for your opening remarks. I found them very useful in explaining and laying some things out for us.
I do understand the difference between legislation and a management plan. That's part of my problem, that I do understand the difference. I also know that ministers come and go, so I'm reluctant to rest a lot on the management plan, because it can be redrafted quite easily. I tend toward wanting to enshrine certain principles in legislation.
I do understand that the MOU doesn't mention ecological integrity. None of these other conversations mention ecological integrity, but the National Parks Act does, and that's the problem for me. The National Parks Act talks about maintaining ecological integrity, and then we have a new bill with a different—I'm not going to say “lesser” right now—definition. As I said to the minister, I get that maybe we need a different understanding of our level of protection for an urban park, but I don't quite understand how this is different from a town in Banff, how this is different from a highway in Cape Breton highlands.
Yes, the proportion is different. You mentioned the percentage in Rouge Park. But when you're creating a highway, when you're maintaining a highway, you still have this principle of maintaining ecological integrity.
I'm still not with you here. Can you help me get this?