I want to call to order our meeting of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development.
We have with us today a number of officials from Parks Canada. Welcome. We trust that you'll be available should we need that expertise. Thank you for being here today.
We also have with us today a legislative clerk, Justin Vaive. Thank you, Justin, for being with us today. I'll be leaning on Justin for any legal advice that we may need as we proceed.
My understanding is that we will move through the bill on a clause-by-clause basis. There are a number of amendments that have been tabled, and I think we all have those here. They aren't formally tabled until they're moved, but you have advance warning of the possibility of their being tabled. We'll try to move through clause by clause, and when there are sections for which there are no amendments suggested, we may ask you for permission to move those clauses in a sequence collectively, but whenever there's an amendment, obviously we're going to take them individually, one at a time.
We're going to begin. We will leave the preamble and the short title until after we've considered all of the clauses, because should any amendments be carried, that could possibly have an effect on the preamble and the short title.
(On clause 2—Definitions)
We have an amendment suggested from the Green Party, Mr. Hyer.