Remember, first of all, you have to take out the heavy metals. You have to take out anything that's a contaminant. The high temperature will destroy the dioxins and furans, the bad stuff, but then you end up with.... I just brought a piece of my favourite slag. The poor people who served with me probably saw me hanging around with this slag all the time. I have a ring made out of this slag. It's hard stuff.
This can be ground up and used in road crush. It can also be used in ornaments. It can be used in road curbing. It can be used in any number of things. The most important thing is that when you analyze that, it's cleaner than a Coke bottle in terms of what's in there. That's a usable material.
The other things you get out of there are fertilizers. You take the nitrogen, recombine it, and produce fertilizer. The phosphorus, you can take that out. In terms of the water, you can take that out. You have all these usable materials that now are saleable products. The heavy metals are saleable. Everything that you take out of that garbage is now saleable. That makes it a resource, not a cost.