In Nova Scotia hunters are involved with a number of things in that respect, Dr. Carrie. For instance, in the harvesting of whitetail deer or a moose, the hunter is asked to return the jawbone of the animal to the department of natural resources. That gives them an idea of the condition of the animal. It also gives them some idea of the animal's age by looking at the wear on the teeth. Trappers are asked to turn in the carcasses of certain animals to do the same thing, and I know that our hunters have been out doing counts for the department of natural resources. They also report animals that have been hit by cars and things of this nature so that they can take a bone marrow test to determine the quality and the condition of the animal. There are a lot of things we can get involved in.
We also do antler measurements. We measure the outside circumference of the antler and report it to Natural Resources Canada, and that gives them an idea of growth, health of the animals, and things of this nature. We don't just sit back on our laurels. We actually get in there and pitch information back to the biologists for them to use.