Climate change is a very important issue. As I said, some examples are positive. The wild turkey that has invaded all southern Quebec is one example. There weren't any wild turkeys there before. They create some problems, but they are an addition to the wildlife resources now available. The same is true for the white-tailed deer, which are travelling farther and farther north. There are now white-tailed deer in Abitibi and Lac-Saint-Jean. There are consequences to that, such as Lyme disease and the ticks found on moose.
One of the fundamental aspects of climate change that worries me the most is the migration of chronic wasting disease, more commonly known as mad cow disease. I cannot imagine the problems that first nations would have to face should chronic wasting disease move from Alberta to the north and affect the cariboo. That would be absolutely terrible.
However, climate change makes it possible to basically have international transportation throughout the year on the St. Lawrence River and a part of the Great Lakes. Montreal has become an open seaport all year long because there is less ice on the St. Lawrence River, which generates economic benefits. It is not all black and white, except that, for the residents of the St. Lawrence River, climate change has a major impact both in terms of wildlife and of commerce.
Wildlife habitat protection in response to climate change must be achieved according to biogeographic regions, based on where the habitats are. The impact in northern Quebec is not the same as in southern Quebec, where we can plant things earlier and where the animals come earlier. That is the case with the snow geese, the Canada geese and ducks, which feed at that time since the fields are open much earlier in the spring. As a result, the migration is more intense.
We therefore need to examine the problem as a whole, not just one aspect.