That's a fair point. Thank you.
This is a question for everybody to comment on quickly.
I'm looking back to 2011. Our government created the hunting and angling advisory panel. MP Norlock brought in a bill respecting a national hunting, trapping and angling heritage day. We have the national conservation plan to restore, preserve, and reconnect Canadians to wildlife and nature.
The recreational fisheries conservation partnership fund has restored 2,000 linear kilometres of habitat. We've leveraged about $7 million against $25 million invested by the federal government with over 100 projects. There were hundreds of community partners involved in that.
We've established a hunting and angling caucus. We've had a strong stance on traditional products, such as seal products markets for aboriginal and Inuit people. The fisheries committee is undertaking a recreational angling study right now. This committee, the environment committee, is reviewing hunting and trapping contributions to Canada.
As Mr. Sopuck mentioned, getting rid of the long gun registry had an impact on hunter recruitment. We have a Minister of the Environment who is a hunter first, and a born Inuit.
In your recollection, have we ever seen a federal government in Canada's history engage themselves with hunters on a conservation front like we have seen in the last four years?