I would agree. I think it's a measurable value that our president comes from Winnipeg; it's huge. What's so strong about our board of 10 Canadian citizens is that they're everyday Canadians like me, and half come from the city and half from the country. It's really interesting because you get their views. You'll see the rural people who are farmers and they're talking about those things. You see the city guy asking why those guys are draining the wetlands out there, and then the farmers talk about their thing and you see that back and forth.
So it's awesome our president is from the city. That helps us with understanding our recruitment focus in Winnipeg, but the real magic is that we have rural and urban Manitobans on our board. It's a chance for them to connect and have a conversation and understand each other and come out of there with an understanding that we need farmers to conserve. They have a role in this, and they have some duties as Canadians to do good on their land. But then the Winnipeg guys like Brian are understanding too though, that's their land and it's not going to be free. It has to be a cost share. It has to be 50:50.
So the real magic is the fact that we have a mix.