That's a fantastic point and probably an unintended consequence or benefit to an organization like that, whether they are dealing with chronic wasting disease or other kinds of issues that don't know any borders when it comes to provincial jurisdiction.
Gentlemen, you are all aware I'm assuming of the budget proposal in budget 2015 that seeks to put $10 million a year into the recreational fisheries conservation partnerships program. I know there are a number of organizations within the province of Alberta, specifically the Alberta Conservation Association, that have had some success in applying for these funds.
I'm wondering if any of the three of you want to talk about some of the benefits of what is seemingly a small amount of money federally. This is bringing that money back to deal with inland fisheries, or what I would call freshwater fisheries, and some of the way that money can be magnified or compounded to do great local projects to the benefit of folks who are going fishing, taking their kids fishing in local trout ponds, and so on.
Can you talk a little bit about some of the opportunities that might be available due to this increased funding?
I'll start with Mr. Lowry this time.