I just quickly want to give an infomercial for the family businesses in the Northwest Territories that sell camping and hunting gear. There are Kaeser's Stores in the Northwest Territories; Weaver & Devore, which has been in business for a hundred years in Yellowknife. We have Stanton's in Inuvik. I think in some ways these people provide products to those hunters and trappers who literally don't have credit cards and can't shop online. The local providers of hunting products are very important to us as well. Sometimes you wonder what's going to happen to those people when those stores can't afford to keep those products in because everything's being done online and the people who really are subsistence hunters and trappers don't have access to that.
So I hope that Cabela's recognizes the importance of that. You understand that hunting and trapping is a family business in the Northwest Territories. People do that. My favourite image of a person is somebody on a little bicycle on a back road in my hometown, with a .22 on their back and a packsack that they put the chickens in that they shoot. You can be sure that fellow there is actually going to eat those chickens that night, because that's what he does.
Many markets are perhaps not to be handled through online merchandising in the Northwest Territories, and I don't see how Cabela's is going to help those groups as much as they're going to take over the industry.
I'll get back to environmental issues now, because I'm tired of infomercials, and I'll speak to GNWT. When we talk about climate change, and we talk about greening up, Dr. Gunn identified the serious problems of changing weather conditions in the fall, freezing rain that prevents animals from getting hold of the feed that they require from the barren grounds. She talked about the changes in temperature creating situations where bugs are entering into the cycle earlier and upsetting the birthing, the calving of the caribou.
Could you talk to us about the whole variety of issues that come in when climate changes? Having lived in the north all my life, I know very well what's happened to the climate. So let's not start with the climate not changing, but let's talk about the actual impacts of changing climate on the animals.