The decline in caribou populations in the NWT has had a very significant effect on all harvesters, particularly aboriginal harvesters. We recently saw a substantial decline in the Bathurst herd. We're seeing what we believe might be trends on a neighbouring herd, the Bluenose-East. In both of those cases we've placed some fairly strict restrictions. We've gone so far as to have to restrict aboriginal harvest, which is a big deal here in the Northwest Territories, to use plain language.
Our director of wildlife, Lynda Yonge, is here. She can speak to some of the numbers. It has had a dramatic impact to the point where the Bathurst herd, which was once in the neighbourhood of 450,000 or 480,000 animals, we're estimating is down below 15,000 animals. This year we have had to essentially say there is no harvest whatsoever, not even for aboriginal rights holders.
Linda, I don't know if you want to add anything to that.