Thank you. I'll start, Chair, and others may jump in after.
What I can tell you is that changes to the project list regulations were made to ensure that they cover those projects with the greatest potential for significant adverse environmental effects in areas of federal jurisdiction, which focuses resources on where they most need to be. A number of additions and deletions were made to the previous project list, based on whether they have potential for significant adverse environmental effects in areas of federal jurisdiction or not.
For example, project classes such as offshore exploratory wells and diamond mines were not previously on the list. They were added as it was determined that they do have a higher potential for adverse effects. Projects like in situ oil drilling are not included because they don't have significant effects in areas of federal jurisdiction. And just for clarification, in situ was never on the list. It wasn't removed; it just wasn't added.
For those types that were removed from the list, they were found to not have typically had high potential for significant effects in areas of federal jurisdiction, so they were removed. The process for that was that the government consulted various stakeholders, aboriginal groups, the public. There was a draft that was gazetted. Based on that feedback, the government made decisions about what would be on the regulations, and those are the ones we saw.