Yes. I'm glad you're working with all the provinces, because this is a national strategy. If we don't get it right, we could pay a big economic price and a big environmental price, which is why I'm glad you're here.
In British Columbia, of course, the carbon tax was introduced with a very clear understanding that it was going to be revenue-neutral: every dollar raised on the carbon tax would be returned to taxpayers, either corporate taxpayers, business taxpayers, or individual taxpayers.
The recent election of an NDP government in British Columbia changed all that. They eliminated the revenue neutrality and jacked up the tax by another five bucks, which of course means that this has now become a cash cow for the Government of British Columbia. That has been my fear all along: that governments across Canada but more specifically the federal government has not done the analysis to understand how much a $50-per-tonne carbon price will actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Without having the evidence, that mathematical understanding, we're moving forward with a policy that impacts our economy, that in fact tilts the playing field against Canadian businesses trying to do business in a very competitive global marketplace.
In your work with the provinces, is there anybody who actually has done the work of determining what emission reductions we can expect for the carbon price the federal government expects Canadians to pay?