I have just a couple of questions, because many of the questions I was going to ask have been answered already, I won't repeat them.
I was looking at page 10 of the text of your remarks where you say that “greenhouses gases have yet to go down”. I was surprised to hear that, because we visited the west just a couple of weeks ago and heard from many groups in Alberta and from the global forum about things that are going on—innovative things to control greenhouse gas emissions, carbon capture, and all that stuff. It's surprising that there hasn't been some reduction.
When I look at the comments about climate change, I think that's pretty obvious across the country, given all of the issues we've had in different parts of the country with floods and fires and all of that stuff.
You were saying, “Meeting the...2030 target will require significant effort and actions on top of what is currently planned or in place.” I'm left wondering what specific actions you would recommend or suggest to the federal government. Is it more financial resources, more human resources, or legislative action? What's required to accomplish that objective?