Auditors general have an association, the Canadian Council of Legislative Auditors. They meet a couple of times a year, both on financial issues and on value-for-money audits.
It was a result of the leadership of the auditors general; they actually asked whether or not we could work on something collaboratively. I don't think anybody expected that we'd get everybody in the tent on such a big piece of work, on climate change.
I think that encouraging auditors general to do more collaboration is something that parliamentarians can do. It would require us to think of new ways of doing things. We aren't actually resourced in that way, properly, to do more collaboration, but I think it is the way of the future.
Auditors general are discussing this, and we can see, particularly in the area of environment and sustainable development, many opportunities to do collaborative work. There could also be collaborative work done on other files—aboriginal peoples, for example, or health care. There's a lot of work that could be done collaboratively; it's really over to the auditors general, who are all independent agents of parliaments, to make that call.