I want to thank my colleagues for providing me with this opportunity to join them to question the Minister of Transport on part 3 of this bill, which addresses the changes to the Navigation Protection Act.
Given that you yourself, Minister, directed the transport committee to undertake a study on the Navigation Protection Act, and given the questions I've already heard coming from your colleagues on the other side, I would suggest that it may have been more appropriate for this bill to be split, so that the transport committee could have finished the work it began. Nevertheless, we on the committee are left to presume that all the work done by our committee has somehow found its way into this bill.
Given that the transport committee does not have the opportunity to ask questions of you on this piece of legislation, I would ask you to give us just one example, post 2013, in which navigation was negatively impacted because of the NPA rules' being in place and not the previous Navigable Waters Protection Act—just one specific example.