Yes. I could stop there.
You'd be hard-pressed to find an improved mining project over the last 10 years that didn't come with agreements with local indigenous communities. You're right. For our projects today to be successful for a multiplicity of reasons, not just social licence issues and so on, we want to ensure that the indigenous people near our project have full access to the job opportunities and procurement opportunities that our projects will provide. That can't happen automatically. Often, there are education and training needs. Often, there may be needs for support to help them develop new businesses, so that they can actually take advantage of the opportunities we provide.
I would say that our industry has been doing remarkable work over the last 20 years, and I think we keep getting better at it, ensuring that those benefits do occur. I agree with you; if we did nothing, they wouldn't.
I would also make the point, too, that it's not just our job. In terms of education and training, we do provide a lot of support in that area, through impact benefit agreements, but we also often look to provincial and federal governments to supplement that, because that also is government's role.