Thank you. That's very helpful.
I have a question for Mr. Gratton.
I think all of us took note of your remarks right at the beginning of your comments about Minister Carr's statement. Just for the record, I'm going to read the quote of the minister back into the record. This was from the meeting when he appeared before us to address this very bill, last week. He said, “All projects that are currently under review will be reviewed under the National Energy Board. We are expecting that this legislation will be ratified by Parliament sometime in 2019”.
It will be as is until the legislation is proclaimed. He clearly made a commitment that all projects that are in the pipeline under the 2012 CEAA would continue to be under that regime until that process is completed. There would be no starting at the beginning under the new provisions.
It concerns me that the legislation right now, as worded, does not reflect what the minister has said. He has either mischaracterized the legislation or somehow misstated the facts. I think all of us at this table have taken note of this.
Would you provide us with some draft wording of the amendments you're looking for to remedy that failing in this legislation and circulate that amongst all the members of this committee, so that we can make sure this act actually does what the minister promised it would do.