I'm Stewart Elgie. I'm here wearing two hats today. One, I'm a Professor of Law and Economics at the University of Ottawa. I've taught environmental assessment law for over 20 years. I was involved in the committee process that created the original CEAA in 1992-94, along with Ms. Duncan, as I recall. When I wore my former hat as an environmental lawyer, I litigated six or seven CEAA cases, including two successful ones at the Supreme Court of Canada, so I have had some experience with environmental assessment law.
My second hat is that I am now the founder and chair of something called Smart Prosperity, which is an economic think tank that focuses on green growth. We are led by a leadership council that has 30 prominent CEOs from across the economy, including mining, oil and gas, manufacturing, and banking. The goal of Smart Prosperity is to build a Canadian economy that is stronger, cleaner, and more innovative on the belief that that will be critical to competitiveness for all parts of Canada's economy in the years ahead.
It's from that perspective I'll offer my comments on the act. How does it achieve both better environmental and economic outcomes? I would say at a high level that this act is an improvement over CEAA 2012 from both an environmental and an economic perspective, but it could be better. Let me offer six thoughts, and I'm happy to submit more detailed wording in a brief following my testimony today.
I'll start with the purpose of the act. The big change is that this act is much more explicit in making sustainability the purpose of the act with regard to its economic, environmental, health, and social outcomes. That's a good thing. Sustainability should be the litmus test of development, and developments that meet this test are likely to be more beneficial to Canada and more socially acceptable to Canadians, and therefore give more certainty to proponents.
The challenge, I think, will be to meet this broader mandate in a way that is also efficient and doesn't add time and cost to the approval process. The act can't answer that question. That's going to be answered mainly by how well the agency applies this mandate. The agency has a stronger role in the new act, which is also a good thing. I would suggest that in a couple of years we'll know more about whether or not the agency has applied this broader mandate in the efficient way we hope it will, and it's probably worth coming back and looking at it at that point.
Let me turn now to five key things in the act which I think could be improved.
The first and most important is strategic and regional environmental assessments. To me this is the most important part of the act. I say that as someone who has litigated a bunch of cases. Most of the cases I litigated in my former life involved larger regional issues that had no place to be dealt with so they were shoved into a project-based approval. That wasn't good for the proponent, because they had to carry all the weight of a larger regional issue on their proposal. It also wasn't good for the intervenors, because they didn't have a proper forum in which to debate larger proposals, so issues about a mine were really about planning for the eastern slopes of the Rockies, and issues about oil sands were really about Canada's climate change direction.
One of the most important things this act does is to actually create a place to deal with those larger regional level and strategic level processes. That's a very good thing.
The weakness of the act is that it doesn't actually require that these happen at all. I can say from experience that what's likely to happen is that the urgent takes priority over the important, and these project level approvals are likely to get more and more mindshare and budget of the agency, and these larger regional and strategic assessments are likely to get squeezed out. I would put things in the act to try to guard against that and to create a momentum to encourage doing more regional and strategic assessments, in a few ways.
One is I would actually create a priority list for regional and strategic EAs, the same way we do under CEPA for our priority substances list. I'd make it an explicit requirement that the advisory council advise on priorities for regional and strategic assessments, and perhaps even state in the act that the agency should create a fund in its budget that is set aside for doing regional and strategic assessments. It will help protect what I think is the thing that will actually be the biggest win-win in this act.
The second thing is what gets assessed. An act is only as good as the project it covers, just as the greatest house in the world is only good if there's a doorway into it. In this act, designated projects are what gets assessed. What's surprising is that the act gives no guidance as to what should be a designated project, what should get in the door. I would say this could be improved in a couple of ways.
One is that the act could specify that any project that is likely to cause significant adverse effects should be on the list of designated projects. It could even go further and ask the minister to create criteria for identifying which projects are likely to have significant adverse effects. I note that the minister has done that in a separate document right now. Putting that into the act would simply codify what's already happening. That would give a lot more predictability, certainty, and consistency as to what types of projects get in the door of this very important act.
Next is the issue of ensuring that you actually assess all parts of a project, or avoiding what's called project splitting. It has been a fairly common practice over the years, which has undermined the purpose of an environmental assessment, and it's been to assess only one component of the overall project or scope of activities that you are in fact approving. There have been a bunch of examples that have been litigated in the courts, for example, looking at the movement of electrons along a wire, instead of looking at the Great Whale River dam in Quebec that generated those electrons. That was struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada. Another example is looking only at a new bridge across a river instead of the logging road and the logging activities at a new mill, which were actually being approved by approving that bridge. That was struck down by the courts. Another is looking only at a mine's tailing facilities and not looking at the mine itself. That was struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada, too.
This idea of project splitting really undermines the whole goal of environmental assessment. It's easy to fix, and the act hasn't fixed it. The simplest solution is the one the U.S. has used for over 30 years, and it has worked fine down there, which is simply to say that an assessment should look at all connected actions. The U.S. act even defines connected actions, and I'll put the wording in my brief if you want it, but it basically says to include all interdependent parts of a larger action. In other words, if approving one thing necessarily means other things must happen, look at those other things too, because that's in effect what you're approving. Therefore, avoid project splitting and look at all interconnected parts of an action.
Fourth is to try to strengthen the requirement for sustainability and transparency at the approval stage of projects, which is really the critical part. This act does a much better job than CEAA 2012 in setting out criteria that will guide project approval. That's a good thing. Having more guidance actually provides more predictability for proponents and more consistency in decisions. Ultimately, the goal is sustainability, which is a good thing.
The challenge is that sustainability by its nature involves economic, environmental, and social considerations, and there's generally some kind of a trade-off, usually economic and social benefits for environmental costs. The act would be improved if it were more explicit about what that trade-off was, why the choice was being made to see a project as beneficial to Canada. What I would suggest is a simple revision to clause 63, which is the approval section, to consider whether the project's benefits substantially outweigh the adverse effect, in other words, requiring a justification saying why the benefits of a project are substantially more important than the adverse effects. Just more transparency would be good for everyone, I think.
Fifth is innovation. Smart Prosperity Institute just put out a major report on how you drive clean innovation across all parts of Canada's economy, seeing this as critical to the economic success of resources, manufacturing, and high tech. This act could do more to hard-wire innovation and the use of environmental assessment as a way to support and encourage innovation. Let me give you a couple of examples.
In the list of factors that must be considered in an EA, it's good that it says to include “best available technologies”. It should say “best available technologies or practices”. Many innovative practices are not technologies. They simply are practices that are also a critical part of innovation.
The second thing I would say is that, if it's determined it's not feasible for a project to use best available technologies that are commonly used elsewhere, I think there should be a justification. If we want Canadian businesses to be at the leading edge of clean performance and innovation, if a project is not using technologies that are considered best in class elsewhere in Canada and the world, there ought to be a justification for why we're approving that. Maybe there will be a good justification, but that at least ought to be addressed. That's pretty fundamental.
Also, I would put it in the approval criteria as well. It shouldn't just be something we assess. Using innovative practices and technologies should actually be a factor in favour of approving a project, so I would include as one of the criteria in clause 63 whether a project uses innovative practices and technologies, either best in class or better than best in class.
The other thing I would add, building on Martin's comments on mitigation measures, is that one of the biggest impediments to innovation is overly rigid compliance procedures. I would say allowing for flexibility in compliance is important.
Last but not least, I'm going to open the Pandora's box of the Constitution and jurisdiction. This act tries to define federal jurisdiction. That is a perilous exercise, one that is not necessary and is likely to lead to a too narrow application of the act. It's automatically implied in any federal law that it must act within its jurisdiction. You don't have to say that, and that's why acts don't say it.
To try to set out and define every element of federal jurisdiction is a mind-bogglingly complex task. Think of all the subjects listed under CEPA, everything listed under the Hazardous Products Act, and all the pesticides and health products registered. You could spend your career trying to identify it all, and you don't need to.
The previous act didn't do it. It simply said “environmental effects”. In 20 years, not once did a court strike down a federal environmental assessment for exceeding federal jurisdiction. This is not a problem; there is no need to fix it.
The previous act brought in this requirement in 2012, but it did it the same way this one does. It listed just three areas of federal constitutional jurisdiction, and it said the other ones would be listed by regulation.
What's interesting is that in six years they didn't list any, so for the past six years we've been doing environmental assessment with a dramatically under-scoped approach to federal jurisdiction, because it's an approach you don't need.
I would say go back to the approach that worked well for 20 years. Simply assume, as with every other law, that the federal government will apply it within its jurisdiction, or at the very least have the government come forward with that magical regulation that's going to identify all areas of federal jurisdiction now, before we pass the act, as it's doing with the draft project list.
Thank you.