Thank you.
I'm a rural member of Parliament. I represent a natural resources constituency, so I can't help but think about people in communities. I am actually quite shocked at how little discussion there was now on the effect on people and communities.
Just for the record here, I'm going to read something about the natural resources sector:
It accounts for 13 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and 50 percent of exports. When spinoff industries are added, the contribution of natural resources to GDP jumps to nearly 20 percent. About 950,000 Canadians currently work in natural resource sectors, and another 850,000 workers, spread across every province and territory, provide supporting goods and services to the sector. Combined, this amounts to 1 in 10 jobs in Canada. In addition, the energy, mining, and forestry industries provide over $30 billion a year in revenue to provincial and federal governments.
From Mr. Elgie, Ms. Ronson, and Mr. Olszynski, I heard a very academic discussion, but the effect of these processes on people and communities when they fail is absolutely devastating.
Ms. Flood, Chris Bloomer, from the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association, spoke at one of our previous meetings, and he was extremely blunt. He talked about Canada's “toxic regulatory environment”. Those are his words, not mine, a toxic environment. We have a poisonous regulatory environment.
He also pointed out, and I'm quoting him again, that if the goal is to “curtail oil and gas production, and to have no more pipelines built, this legislation”—Bill C-69—“may have hit the mark.”
Do you think Mr. Bloomer overstated the case? He was extremely forthright in his comments.
Ms. Flood.