I need to get everybody into their seats. I want to make sure we get in as many questions as we can, so I'm watching the clock.
I want to welcome our second panel for today.
We have, from the Assembly of First Nations, Kluane Adamek, Interim Regional Chief, Yukon Region; Sara Mainville, Legal Counsel; and Graeme Reed, Senior Policy Analyst.
With BC First Nations Energy & Mining Council, we have Terry Teegee, Regional Chief, British Columbia Assembly of First Nations. He's with us by video conference.
From Fort McKay First Nation, we have Chief Jim Boucher; Alvaro Pinto, Executive Director, Sustainability Department; and Michael Evans, Senior Manager, Sustainability Department.
We really appreciate that you have all made the time to come in front of us today.
With the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee for the Trans Mountain Pipelines and Marine Shipping, we have Chief Ernie Crey, Indigenous Co-Chair. Welcome back to the committee. We appreciate having you here. We also have Tim Dickson, legal counsel, indigenous caucus. Thank you for being with us.
We will start with you, Chief Adamek, and then we will go from there.
You have 10 minutes. I will let you know when you have one minute left. Thank you.