Thank you, Madam Chair and members of the committee.
My name is Stephen Hazell. I'm with Nature Canada. I have a long history with environmental assessment. I worked for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency when the initial regulations for CEAA 1995 were developed, so I have a long history with environmental assessment.
I wanted to say first of all that in the current bill, Bill C-69—and I'll be focusing on the impact assessment act provisions—there's a lot of good stuff. We support strengthening this impact assessment agency, requiring assessments to consider a project's contribution to sustainability, the incorporation of indigenous knowledge, and including Canada's climate commitments. These are all good things. We support the increasing transparency in decisions by requiring the minister and cabinet to provide reasons for approvals.
I wanted to focus on five areas in my comments. I want to talk about discretion and legal requirements, triggers for impact assessments under the act, the project list, getting federal house in order, and regional and strategic assessments. Some of what I say will overlap a little bit with what my colleagues have said in the previous panel. Some of it I hope will be new.
The first thing I want to say is that, leading up to 1992, the primary focus of the environmental community and Canadians generally was that we needed rules. We needed laws. We needed to know what projects were going to be subject to a federal assessment and which ones weren't. That was the key objective.
With CEAA 2012, we lost that almost completely because, with very few exceptions, there are no legally binding rules for what would be assessed and what would not. Unfortunately, this act sort of perpetuates that problem. It creates discretion at two levels.
No projects are assessed under the current proposed law unless they're on the project list. We're disappointed by that. Even if they are on the project list, it doesn't mean they are going to be assessed. They go through a whole process, the early planning process we talked about. At the end of that, the minister makes the decision whether there should or should not be an assessment. There's discretion all the way along, which just creates uncertainty for everybody. I would put it to you that it also politicizes the process.
Whereas under the 1995 law, proponents, stakeholders, and governments knew what was going to be assessed, under this law, we have no idea. We really don't. It will be at the discretion of the minister. That is something I would ask the committee to reflect on. Think about ways in which we can limit that discretion. Some ways have been suggested by colleagues in the previous panel.
The second thing I wanted to talk about is triggers for impact assessments. We're disappointed that the project list is the principal trigger for the assessment of projects. What it means is that many federal decisions that adversely affect the natural environment will not be assessed because the project list, as it's currently written, is very narrow.
Nature Canada starts from the position, and I think we would all agree, that one key function of environmental assessment is to provide good information about environmental effects and sustainability effects so that we can make good decisions. Ultimately it's about how we can make good decisions about projects. If the whole legal regime is focused on a handful of projects that are on that list, that means we're not going to get there. The decision-makers are not going to have the information they need to make good decisions.
I also want to note that the 1995 law had four distinct triggers. There was a regulatory trigger, a dispositional land trigger, a federal proponent trigger, and a funding trigger. Now, Mr. Northey may remind you that the expert panel in its report recommended that we continue with that four-trigger approach from CEAA from 1995. It was abandoned in the 2012 law.
What projects do we need to start getting better information about so that we can make good decisions? High-carbon projects—projects that we know are going to produce megatonnes or hundreds of thousands of tonnes of GHG emissions—should be assessed under the federal act so we can meet our Paris climate agreement.
There's a good example just downstream from Ottawa, upwind from Montreal, where we're not doing that. A cement plant is going to produce one megatonne of GHG emissions every year, not including all the trucks carrying all the cement. The sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions are in excess of U.S. and European standards. Who did an assessment of that project? It wasn't the provincial government. It wasn't the federal government. The little municipalities around Hawkesbury did the assessment. Their only recourse was to deny a rezoning application. The proponent, a European multinational corporation, appealed the refusal of the rezoning to the Ontario Municipal Board.
That's where we sit. A megatonne of emissions are unaccounted for and there are no interventions by either level of government to figure out how we can get those GHGs down. We're missing the boat on that. High-carbon projects have got to be on the project list, at least. We think it would be better if there was a law list, like we had in the CEAA 1995, so that any regulatory approvals under the Fisheries Act, the Canadian navigable waters act, or the Species at Risk Act would be assessed. That would be our preference, but we think we could also do it by way of the project list.
Next, I want to turn to the project list itself. I want to talk about the regulatory approach that's being taken by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency for listing projects under your new impact assessment act. We say it's unacceptable.
According to the consultation paper, the project list would “focus federal impact assessment on projects that [would] have the most potential for adverse environmental effects in areas of federal jurisdiction”. They're saying that even very bad projects with serious adverse effects in areas of federal jurisdiction may not be listed on this project list so long as there are projects that have more serious impacts. That's a problem. That means they only want to have a very select number of projects listed that would be subject to the whole process.
I want to add that I found nothing in Bill C-69 or in the proposed act that requires the approach that appears to be taken by the agency with respect to the development of these absolutely critical recommendations. We would say delete that word “most”, so that the language would read “federal impact assessments would focus on projects that would have potential for adverse environmental effects in areas of federal jurisdiction”, not the “most potential”. I would make that recommendation.
Next I want to talk about the federal house in order. The exemption of federal projects from assessment under the proposed act is simply unacceptable. As it's written now, federal authorities are required only to determine “that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects”, and that factors set out in proposed section 84 be considered.
“Just trust us” is just not good enough. Let me give you an example from the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society. I don't know if they're testifying before the committee, but they said to go ahead and tell the story.
Since 2012, Parks Canada has made 1,600 determinations under a provision identical to the one I just read to you. Instead of doing an assessment, they're required to make a determination based on...we have no idea what. They made 1,600 of those determinations over two and a half years. Not once did they identify a project that had significant adverse effects.
These projects are in our national parks, where presumably we're a little more sensitive to what “significant” might mean. Remember that in national parks the minister has, as her first priority, the maintenance and restoration of ecological integrity when considering aspects of the management of parks.
Am I over...?
Okay. I did want to say something about regional and strategic assessments.