Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Mr. Northey, I'm so glad to hear you testify about the tribunal. I think I'm at odds with just about everybody I'm talking to who thinks an agency can deliver what a tribunal can. My experience is with the energy and the utility review boards in Alberta. It's always been a tribunal. I frankly don't understand.
The proposal in here is that the impact assessment agency is going to adjudicate first nations' rights. I just find that an absolutely astounding possibility. Without completely revamping this act, I don't know how we can shift that. Anyway, I was really grateful for your review. I thought it was very sensible. To me it makes perfect sense, based on my 40 years' experience dealing with those tribunals.
I'm deeply troubled with even the concept that the federal government could defer to a provincial government to hear evidence on and rule on matters of federal jurisdiction. I would appreciate.... I can't see any conditions that would make any sense whatsoever. On the other hand, joint tribunals have always been suggested as the way to go. Many provinces push against that because they just want the feds to butt out.
I would like to hear from both Mr. Northey and Mr. Hazell on the issue of substitution.