If I could, please, I'd like to get the meeting started.
We have very important votes tonight, so it's going to affect our meeting because we have two panels. We want to make sure both panels have a chance to get our full attention.
I'd like to welcome our guests. Thank you very much for being here.
We have Ecojustice Canada, Joshua Ginsberg, barrister and solicitor; the Grand Council of the Crees, Bill Namagoose, executive director, and Jean-Sébastien Clément, partner; Mining Watch Canada, Jamie Kneen, communications and outreach coordinator; and West Coast Environmental Law Association, Anna Johnston, staff lawyer.
Some of you have been before us before, so we welcome you back. To those who are new, welcome. We have a couple of procedural things before I open the floor to you. Just because I do not like to interrupt people, I will put up the yellow card when you've got a minute left in your presentation. I do the same thing to the members, so they're getting used to it. I put up the red card when your time is over. I don't mean for you to stop in mid-sentence; just wrap up what you're saying quite quickly because we've run out of time. Hopefully that will be helpful to you.
Who would like to start?
We'll start with you, Joshua, thank you very much.