Good afternoon, Madam Chair and committee members. It's an honour to be on Algonquin territory today. Thank you for the invitation to speak.
I hold the position of director of government and industry relations with the Mikisew Cree First Nation. I'm joined today by Mark Gustafson. Mark is a legal counsel who is assisting me on numerous regulatory files and will be helping me answer some of your questions today.
Mikisew has prepared a written brief. That brief contains detailed legislative amendments that we ask you to consider.
The Mikisew Cree is the largest Treaty 8 first nation within the Athabasca oil sands region. Our office has been reviewing numerous environmental impact assessments for the last 17 years and has directly participated in about eight joint regulatory hearings, raising environmental concerns and concerns about impacts upon our culture and way of life.
Our traditional territory houses a convergence of federal interests. It is home to Canada's largest national park, is a world heritage site designated under UNESCO, is inclusive of transboundary waters, provides one of North America's most important migratory bird pathways, and is home to such iconic species as woodland caribou and wood bison.
Recently the UN's world heritage committee sent experts to review the state of Wood Buffalo National Park, after we raised concerns that Canada is not doing enough to deal with downstream impacts from hydro dams and oil sands development. Those experts found that Canada is failing the park and the indigenous people within it. Flaws in Canada's environmental assessment process played a role in this embarrassing outcome for Canada. The 2017 IUCN World Heritage Outlook says that the park is now of significant concern and shows a trend of deteriorating.
I cannot stress enough how important federal assessments are to creating better relationships with industry and government, building healthy communities, and protecting federal environmental interests. That's the lens we have used to review Bill C-69.
For us, the most disappointing part of Bill C-69 is that it likely means that the federal government is abandoning the best tool it has to protect Canada's largest world heritage site from the very activities that have put the national park on the verge of being added to the list of world heritage sites in danger.
It is also abandoning a key tool for respecting the Migratory Birds Convention, abandoning a key tool for protecting iconic federally recognized species at risk and for reaching Canada's greenhouse gas goals.
It is also abandoning the best tool available to us in implementing UNDRIP and recognizing our right to take part in making decisions that affect our livelihood.
How have we come to that view? It comes down to triggers and what is happening in the oil sands. As the bill is currently drafted, federal assessments will only happen if an activity is on the project list or if the minister makes a discretionary decision to require it. We agree that both have a place in the bill, but they aren't enough for the federal government to protect its interests.
First, the project list is a blunt tool. It's meant to capture megaprojects—and it's useful in that regard—but it isn't flexible enough to be responsive to key areas of federal jurisdiction, such as world heritage sites, species at risk, or transboundary waters. It has been our experience that the project list excludes many of the activities that have been shown to directly and cumulatively impact species at risk and the Peace-Athabasca delta. As it stands, the project list means that you will likely never see another federal assessment in the oil sands region.
Let me repeat that. Even though industrial activities are putting a national park, woodland caribou, and bison at huge risk, there may never be another federal assessment as this bill is currently drafted. This is because the future of oil sands is the expansion of countless smaller projects that are less capital-intensive but equally problematic for federal environmental interests.
Second, while there is a process for updating the project list under way, not a single request we have ever made for an activity to be added to the project list or its predecessor has ever been accepted.
Third, discretionary decisions to require assessments are inherently hard to deal with, and they don't provide certainty to anyone. They also leave that important decision up to political lobbying campaigns that, in the end, undermine the very trust in the system that you are trying to restore.
Fourth, on many occasions we've requested a federal assessment because a project could impact federal matters and our rights, and the answer has been no. From that perspective, the new criteria guiding discretionary decisions isn't likely to make a difference. Where does this leave us? We believe there is a path forward that will allow you to be responsive to core federal jurisdiction without upsetting the structure of the bill.
Our proposal would provide greater certainty to Canadians that key federal matters are being properly assessed. At the same time, it would easily merge with the new planning phase to ensure the assessment matches the size and complexity of the proposed activity. In other words, it won't create delays. You'll find our solution on page 7 of our brief.
First, it entails creating a modest, third way to trigger assessments. This category is tightly scoped to core matters of federal jurisdiction. Second, we've also proposed that the minister develop sub-regional regulations with new assessment triggers where a regional assessment has determined an area that is experiencing a high degree of cumulative impacts. This flows from normal impact assessment practice. Once thresholds are exceeded, even a small impact can have serious consequences.
Next, I will highlight a few other proposals in our brief that connect with questions the committee has asked over the last few weeks about what the bill means for achieving indigenous consent.
In my experience, when there is a federal assessment, we have a better chance of getting the information we need to make informed decisions and getting us on a path to consent. The same cannot be said for provincial regulatory processes. The Alberta regulatory process creates a loss of trust, animosity, and in the end, legal and investment uncertainty for proponents. If the government is serious about getting first nation consent in a timely and effective way, the key starting point is improving the triggers for when assessments take place.
Another way to advance this goal is to make sure that the act works for indigenous consultation. We have proposed a few modest changes on pages 8 and 9 of our brief for improving how timelines are calculated and how the agency works with us to improve our chances of getting to consent.
Next, there a few inconsistencies in the bill that we have identified in terms of criteria for decision-making and tracking through the improved language around traditional knowledge. We've proposed solutions for these on page 9 of our brief.
Before I make my closing comments, I want to highlight that our brief also covers the navigable waters act. The key issue we have brought to your attention is that the act needs a key tweak to enter the 21st century.
If you come to our territory, you'll hear everyone talk about impediments to navigation, but the huge impediments we are facing are barely covered by the act because it is primarily focused on physical barriers. Activities that change the flow of rivers is what impacts navigation most heavily in our region. There are a couple of new sections in the act that start to get at this issue, but they are essentially inadequate. If you want to make a difference to our way of life and inland navigation, fix these provisions.
I want to leave you with a quick snapshot of our proposal.
First, take federal jurisdiction seriously. When you do, you protect Canada's international standing, respect indigenous people, and build a stronger economy. All that is needed is to add a small list of legislative triggers to provide a backstop to the project list. Those are in our brief. We are confident that Canadians and industry would support reviews for projects that could impact nationally important species like caribou and bison, and Canada's world heritage sites.
Second, recognize and respect your treaty partners. As the Supreme Court said, consultation with indigenous peoples is always in the public interest. That can start to be achieved if you adjust the wording around timelines and better incorporate the UN declaration. We've given you a few recommendations to get there.
Finally, make the space for certainty and good decision-making. That means fixing the triggers for assessment and clarifying the considerations for decision-making.
Bill C-69 is far from perfect and less than we expected to see after months of engagement on EA reform, but it can be improved.
Thank you for your time.