Absolutely. Our community has celebrated that success story.
I want to also note that the livelihood that you mentioned refers to a way of life and cultural intactness in which we do need, I think, an environment that supports that way of life and that livelihood as well. We should not restrict those members of our community who choose to have the ability to have those meaningful livelihoods, not only for today but for future generations.
Good projects come from good assessments. Good assessments come from ensuring that a healthy environment and healthy community, who advance the economic opportunities that are provided to us, are very important. However, without proper assessments and assessing impacts to rights and impacts to our way of life, our culture, and to our social well-being, you can have all of the opportunities in the world provided to indigenous communities, but if they're not ready and if they're not provided the ability to participate in federal assessments in a meaningful consultation process, then those opportunities mean nothing to us.