Thank you for the question. I think it's an important question in an era where people hear about fake news and inauthentic facts. We just heard about a recent poll showing that 40% of Canadians thought science was a matter of opinion. In that environment, the question is, as a regulator, how do you have people come in front of us, participate in our hearings, and accept our decision?
What I would like to separate out is the project approval process, where we are trying to reach out with public hearings. We actually have participating funding for people to appear in front of us. It's webcast. We issue an annual report on the performance of the licensees and facilities. We do all of this.
By the way, in case you haven't been to one of our hearings, I strongly recommend that you show up. It's riveting material. There's a really interesting discussion back and forth. Hopefully, people will try to understand the science and the technical information that's being considered by the commission.
We will not ever change a small percentage of people who are anti-nuclear, period. We hope that the vast majority.... Particularly in communities where there are facilities, the approval rate for those facilities is very high. In those host communities where they understand the work that's being done by the licensees, I think there's a high acceptance. How we bring it up across the whole board is a challenge. We are trying to do and provide as much.... We have a legislative mandate to disseminate technical and scientific information, and we try to do this best by using our website, our new media, etc.