I'll let others comment on the last point.
I think there are many different ways to do this, but the challenge with the Federal Court of Appeal is, number one, judicial deference. Some of the administrative law cases since Dunsmuir have not been very helpful in providing an appropriate role for the court of appeal. Also, it's a drawn-out, expensive process. It won't be timely. Unless you create a specialized subgroup of the court of appeal, they also won't necessarily have the expertise.
I think a separate body that has specialized expertise, is independent, and can quickly review decisions based on clearly established criteria in statute and regulations is a very efficient, effective, and fair way of improving the quality of decision-making. To me, that's the answer. Now, having said that, one of the things that some of us who saw these various acts come along were advocating for at the same time is the consideration of a specialized environmental court, similar to what Australia has.
There was a question earlier about what Australia is doing well. Australia and New Zealand, at various levels of government, have specialized courts—