Thank you so much. I'm really pleased to be here today to discuss our spring 2018 reports, which were tabled in the House of Commons last Tuesday.
Sharon Clark was the principal on the salmon aquaculture/salmon farming chapter, Andrew Hayes was the principal on the biodiversity chapter, and Kim Leach was the principal on the sustainable development goals. That's just so you know which ones they were responsible for.
These audits show that the Government of Canada's efforts to achieve sustainable development are still falling short of integrating the economy, society, and the environment. This is not the first time I've raised this concern.
In these spring 2018 audits, we assessed Canada's readiness to achieve the United Nations' 2030 agenda for sustainable development. We also examined salmon farming and conserving biodiversity. In all three, we found examples where the federal government was not integrating the three dimensions of sustainable development.
In our audit, we examined whether Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency oversaw the salmon farming industry to protect wild fish. This industry creates risks for wild fish, including exposure to diseases, drugs and pesticides.
We found that Fisheries and Oceans Canada does conduct research on these and other risks. We also found that the department determines where salmon farms can be located or expanded and under what conditions farms may operate.
However, we found that Fisheries and Oceans Canada had no national standard for nets and other equipment to prevent escapes from fish farms, nor did it adequately enforce compliance with aquaculture regulations. As well, the department had not set limits on the amount of drugs and pesticides that fish farms can use to treat diseases and parasites. This is important because drugs and pesticides used in salmon farming can harm wild fish, especially those living on the ocean floor.
The department had completed only one-tenth of risk assessments for key known diseases, and it was not addressing new and emerging diseases. Most importantly, we found that the department was not monitoring the health of wild fish. As a result, Fisheries and Oceans Canada had no way of knowing what impacts salmon farming has on the health of wild fish.
These findings led us to conclude that Fisheries and Oceans Canada had not managed risks from salmon farming in a way that protected wild fish. Among our recommendations, we stated that the department should clearly articulate the level of risk to wild fish that it accepts when enabling the aquaculture industry.
Moving on now to biodiversity, our audit examined whether Environment and Climate Change Canada had provided the national leadership required to meet Canada's 2020 biodiversity commitment.
In our view, Canada will not meet its commitment. We found that the five federal departments and agencies we audited had made uneven progress in their efforts to meet six specific biodiversity targets. In addition, Environment and Climate Change Canada had not provided the required national leadership and coordination.
Environment and Climate Change Canada has focused its leadership efforts on attending international meetings on behalf of Canada, creating national committees, and coordinating the production of reports. However, the department did not coordinate actions with its federal, provincial, and territorial partners to achieve the 2020 biodiversity targets.
Let's turn to our audit which looked at seven federal departments and agencies to assess whether the government was prepared to implement the United Nations' 2030 agenda for sustainable development. This audit is Canada's contribution to an effort by auditors general from around the world to assess their government's preparedness to implement international sustainable development commitments.
Canada adopted the 2030 agenda in 2015 as part of a worldwide effort to achieve the United Nations' 17 sustainable development goals. These goals call for action in many areas to achieve a sustainable world, including quality education, sustainable cities, economic growth, and biodiversity conservation. Three years since making this commitment, the government is not prepared to implement the United Nations' 2030 agenda. It does not have a whole-of-government approach, and leadership to implement is split among five departments.
In my opinion, it's difficult to make progress with 10 hands on the wheel.
We also found that the government has no communication or engagement strategy to include other levels of government and Canadians. Lastly, it has yet to develop a complete set of national targets.
Although data is being collected to measure Canada's performance against the 2030 agenda's global indicators, we found no system to measure, monitor and report on progress against national targets once they are defined.
Without a clear leader, an implementation plan, and accurate and ongoing measurement and monitoring of results, Canada will not be able to fulfill the commitments it made to its citizens, and to the United Nations.
Given the risks to sustainable development we identified in these and in previous audits, we still have not seen the federal government integrate in a meaningful way the economy, society and the environment.
That concludes my opening remarks. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you very much.