Thank you, and good morning, everyone.
I appreciate and commend you again for the excellent reports that your team has done. I had a chance to read them over the last few days.
I was particularly interested in the salmon farming report, and that's where I'll tend to focus my questions. Coming from British Columbia, salmon and the health of our wild salmon stock are very important to us.
I have a couple of questions. One of them that struck me in the report was this idea of having DFO as the protector of wild salmon stock, but also, it seemed to be the promoter of aquaculture, of fish farming. It struck me that there may be a potential for conflict in that role.
I didn't see that clearly come out in the report. You talk about both roles, but did you get into exploring if DFO is best positioned to do that? It seemed that perhaps someone else, like CFIA, might be better positioned to be the champion of fish farming, and let DFO focus on the protection of the wild fish stock.
Are you able to provide any comment on whether that was part of your considerations? Did you explore that aspect of departmental responsibility?