Just following on our colleague's questions on agriculture, I have to share, Madam Commissioner, that I am a little stunned. A program I worked with, Prairie Farmers to Save, was a community pasture program. It was a remarkable program that had very little infusion of federal dollars. It helped small farmers to maintain biodiversity, as there were a lot of threatened species in this community pasture, including Govenlock. In its wisdom, the Conservative government killed the community pasture program, which is now going to go under the plow, and we're going to lose the biodiversity and the access to that program for small farmers. I just wanted to add that.
I want to thank you again, as I did when you did your briefing, on two further important reports. I have to say it's getting discouraging, though I'm pleased that you and your team continue to do your hard work and your honest assessment.
We had you in very recently, Commissioner, on sustainable development. Of course, our committee is also reviewing the bill the government has put forward to, in theory, strengthen the Federal Sustainable Development Act. In their wisdom, they have still not brought that bill back, so we have to go on the basis of what the bill provides right now.
You've made some recommendations to strengthen and to provide direction, and in fact one of your complaints is that there is no whole-of-government approach, either on biodiversity or on sustainable development goals, but we have the cabinet directive and we have the Federal Sustainable Development Act as it is.
On the basis of your report, what are the most critical measures the current government needs to take to actually start being taken seriously about delivering on the sustainable development goals?