The $2-billion low carbon economy fund that was announced in the budget is intended to be funds that we would leverage to help reduce emissions in the most efficient way. As you know, we are going through a process with the provinces and territories. At the first ministers' meeting, the Prime Minister and the provinces and territories agreed that we need to meet our international obligations, so this is part of that discussion. We now have four working groups that have been set up: one is on carbon pricing; one is on mitigation opportunities; one is on clean jobs, technology, and innovation; and one is on adaptation.
As we go through that process, we are having discussions. The process has already started. We are having discussions with provinces and territories, and we will be listening to their suggestions about how we can support them to reduce emissions. We are going to be considering the most effective ways to support opportunities to reduce emissions, and we are really looking forward to hearing from the provinces and territories about their ideas and how we can help them.
I should also say that municipalities have a huge role to play, and we certainly recognize this. We have funding that has been set aside through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. They have a green municipal fund, I believe it is called. We have set aside money, and that would be to help municipalities that are looking at projects to reduce emissions. I have had many meetings with municipalities across the country that are very committed to reducing their emissions.
The second part of funding I believe you are referring to is about clean technology in the natural resource sector.