I can't say that in five months I know everything about how government operates, and procurement is a particularly complicated area.
As I said, what I see as the opportunity but also the challenge is that I have a very clear mandate to reduce emissions, including with our own government, but as the Minister of Environment and Climate Change I'm not the minister responsible for a lot of procurement in most areas except, obviously, within the agencies and the department. Goodwill clearly exists across the board—everyone is extraordinarily supportive from the ministers to the officials—to my mandate to reduce emissions, for Canada to take a significant step, to demonstrate that we get it, that we need to be a leader when it comes to reducing emissions. The challenge really is to figure out how to translate that.
That's why I really put it out to the committee but also to Canadians: how do we do that? How do we ensure that we have a whole-of-government approach and not just to climate change, because it goes beyond climate change, it goes to air quality, to water, to these other areas that we were discussing? How do we ensure that we have tangible objectives that are measurable so that we can ensure that we are actually reaching them and measuring them, but also that it's across government? I don't know that I have those solutions but I certainly appreciate the thoughts of the committee and of Canadians on the draft that was put out there.