There's another study we're going to be doing, starting when we come back from our next constituency week. It's on protected areas. It will be looking at meeting some of the targets, the 17% of terrestrial and inland water areas by 2020, and 5% of marine and coastal areas by 2017 and 10% by 2020. I hope to be hearing more from the departments as we get into that study.
I'm just wondering, to start, if you could make a comment on the progress of parks establishment, both national parks and marine conservation areas, to help establish a bit of a baseline of where we're at. Then if you want to throw in what Ms. May had asked about, the status of the negotiations on the Southern Strait of Georgia National Marine Conservation Area, I'd love to hear about that.
Another piece I'll throw in is the level of funding you had mentioned, I think $43.3 million over five years, to help with the establishment process. Will that be enough on the parks side to continue along the agenda?
The final piece is on an unrelated topic. We've been hearing a lot about sunken ships. I'm wondering if there's a strategy or any work being done with Fisheries and Oceans to deal with some of the issues of sunken ships because of the work we will be doing on marine protected areas.
There's a lot there.