I'd like to return to the line of questions that Mr. Bossio was pursuing around the Federal Sustainable Development Act. We obviously have taken it upon ourselves as part of our unanimously agreed work agenda to evaluate not only the strategy that is proposed, but more broadly, the act itself. Of course, the purpose of the FSDA is to ensure accountability and transparency in the federal government system, and obviously it represents a major opportunity. The federal government itself is a huge enterprise that spends billions of dollars and there are many opportunities to make major gains on climate files and on others as well.
You've got an interesting view. You've seen the whole of government, how it operates from the core out. What can you tell us so far from what you've seen about what you would like to see improved in the government operations?
Also, if you're so inclined, I'd invite your officials to comment as well. The federal government system isn't perfect in terms of how it operates. There must be ways to improve it. We're looking at making recommendations on that, but I wonder if you could provide us with some initial remarks as we contemplate it ourselves.