We have heard from some groups that are supportive of this approach, and a number of other groups that aren't. In terms of the folks who have expressed concerns, I think it's the idea that it provides uncertainty. It increases the complexity and the unpredictability with timelines. As we say, we need to find the proper balance, the proper approach, and we have, obviously, a number of different stakeholders.
We have made it much clearer how the process will be conducted in terms of doing assessments, including early engagement. We've been clear about the factors that would be considered in assessments and in decision-making and that we have to provide transparency around the decisions. We believe it also provides for meaningful opportunities for participation by indigenous peoples, stakeholders, environmentalists, and the public. We believe this, in combination with other provisions in the bill, provides sufficient safeguards without the additional expense and regulatory uncertainty and the additional timelines that would result from a separate tribunal.