I'm not entirely sure of the question, but of course I care greatly about farmers and ranchers and small communities. That is why we are trying to rebuild trust for everyone in our system, which was sorely lost under the previous Conservative government, where decisions didn't take into account what communities had to say, what indigenous peoples had to say, and where decisions were made on a political basis, and projects, as a result, became polarized and did not go ahead.
Let me be clear, we are actually trying to get to a better spot, because we believe that we can do this. We believe that the environment and the economy go together, that we can rebuild trust by making decisions based on science, evidence, and indigenous knowledge, taking into account the real impacts of climate change and how projects fit within our climate plan, and also providing certainty for proponents.
As I expressed very clearly, we believe that by engaging on the front end you can have shorter timelines on the back end, which was something that proponents had very clearly expressed to us. I've had numerous meetings with proponents, with indigenous peoples, with environmentalists, with Canadians, with provinces.