I'm going to focus on jobs and competitiveness. I want to quote the Canadian building trades union regarding this bill, when they say that:
...Bill C-69 misses the mark in many material aspects. This piece of legislation has an enormous impact on our 500,000 members, as well as an enormous spectrum of Canadians who are engaged in natural resource extraction, processing, distribution, and consumptive industries. It is too important to be left to chance or to uncertain and unpredictable results.
The conclusion of a legal opinion by Osler and company is that:
...the proposed legislation suffers from the same problem that we have been observing in project regulatory processes for some time. These reviews are becoming forums where all manner of social and environmental issues are expected to be addressed, even when they are beyond the ability of any single project proponent to mitigate.
When you were drafting this legislation, did you for a minute think about the effect on workers, working families, the employment sector?
I'm going to stop referring to it as “industry”. I'm going to call it the employment sector.
Did you ever stop to think about the effect on those sectors of our society?