I'll resume.
Thank you very much to all the departments that have come to join us this afternoon until 1 p.m. to answer the questions we have. Again, I'd like the questions to be specific to the bill and maybe any amendments that people have brought forward. That would be helpful.
I also want to remind people—because I'm not sure everybody's aware—that the bill has been updated, so the page numbers are different. As we go into clause-by-clause next week, be aware that you should get a new version of the bill because the pages and the bill don't match anymore from the preliminary version that we had. Thank you for that.
I just want to introduce, from the Department of Natural Resources, Jeff Labonté, assistant deputy minister, major projects management office; and Terence Hubbard, director general, petroleum resources branch. We have, from the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Christine Loth-Bown, vice-president, policy development sector; and Brent Parker, director, legislative and regulatory affairs division. From the Department of Transport we have Catherine Higgens, assistant deputy minister, programs; and Nancy Harris, executive director, regulatory stewardship and aboriginal affairs.
Thanks to all of you for being here. I understand that you're not making statements; we're just going to go straight into questions.
We'll start with Mr. Fisher, who did not get a chance as a result of the last session.