Thank you, Madam Chair.
I think that, given the critical importance of climate questions to all governments around the world, having an energy regulator that doesn't have a specific responsibility to maintain ongoing awareness, review, research, etc., of how their areas of energy regulation relate to climate is a big gap. Where the section is called “Study and review”, the government directs that the regulator must study and keep under review matters relating to exploration and supply, essentially, and the safety and security of regulated facilities, but nothing as to the impact of the regulated industries on the threat of the climate crisis.
Again, I do think we should aspire to Canada's energy regulator having the kind of robust analysis and comprehensive review that now happens under the International Energy Agency. The International Energy Agency isn't a replacement for UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme. It doesn't replace the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. However, it recognizes that critical research and analysis done by the International Energy Agency informs public policy all around the world, and I think our Canadian energy regulator should reflect domestically what international energy agencies conduct internationally.
This is a minor amendment to address a very large gap.
Thank you.