Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Thank you, Minister, for appearing. I'm glad you changed your mind and are defending the estimates, as other ministers have done.
I must say I am somewhat disappointed at the adversarial and highly partisan way in which you approached this meeting. Your introductory comments were effectively an attack ad on the previous government, when in fact the previous government did a lot for the environment, setting aside an additional 50% of parkland in Canada, having great relationships with groups like Ducks Unlimited to expand and protect wetlands, and it goes on and on.
You didn't do yourself a service, I will tell you, by going on an attack in your 10-minute presentation, and then when Mr. Boulerice asks a question you talk about how it's important that we all work together. Suddenly there's a Kumbaya moment. I think you can do better, Madam Minister. You and I have known each other now for quite a while. I have the greatest respect for you, but you're going to have difficulty getting your climate change agenda through if it's all partisanship and attacks on the other parties in Parliament. We're all members of Parliament who believe we're doing our job in representing our communities and promoting a better Canada.
I want to go back to a question I asked you a long time ago, which we still don't have an answer to, and that is the carbon tax. The carbon tax in 2022 will be $50, and it will be right across Canada in every province and territory. We've been asking what that will mean in costs to the average Canadian family. Can you answer that question today?