In terms of the legally binding drinking water quality standards, we are working with regard to private member's bill C-326 on improving the transparency, the reporting and the progress that's being made with regard to drinking water quality standards in Canada. We are progressing. Work in that area is to really improve the transparency in the CEPA annual report.
In terms of work that's being done to make this available, a lot is being done between the federal government and the province. We are also a collaborating centre of the World Health Organization.
Specifically with regard to 1,4-dioxane, we actually published a draft drinking water quality guideline in September. Prior to that we did not have one. That draft drinking water quality guideline that was published in September has 1,4-dioxane at 50 micrograms per litre, which is considerably lower now than the one that is proposed by USEPA. They have it as currently at about—