Absolutely. We've been looking at this issue of whether or not strategic environmental assessments have been done when proposals, plans or programs are presented either to ministers or to cabinet. We've been doing this since 2012, I believe, so it's been quite some time.
We found that results were quite poor in the past. In 2015 we had very poor results. SEAs were done in less than half the cases. In 2016 and 2017, actually, the results weren't much better. Remember that we had proposals that go to ministers and proposals that go to cabinet. There was always less compliance with the proposals that went just to the minister. It was more in the 20% range, whereas proposals that went to cabinet were more in the 30% to 40% range.
We were doing four or five departments at a time. This year we decided we would go back to all 26 departments, but we only looked at one section. We didn't look at the proposals that went to ministers, just at the proposals that went to cabinet. That's when we found a marked improvement: The last time we audited it, we were looking at about 40% compliance, and now we're above 90%. It's actually 93%—