As far as getting that out to the public, we became aware of that consultation process happening by fluke. The company that is trying to have a high standard established, Waste Management Corporation, made one of my constituents aware this was happening. His well was actually contaminated by leachate, and was that way for 13 years. This individual is beside himself because here we're looking at 50 micrograms per litre, whereas everywhere else is dropping this standard exponentially. We're still maintaining this very high level.
Then there was a mad dash to try to find something on your site. I actually approached the department and couldn't get any information as to what.... They wouldn't even make me aware that a consultation was occurring until our hydrogeologist and toxicologist dove into it and found the link to where they could actually put forward a response and be a part of this consultation.
I don't think any improvements are being made and I don't think other jurisdictions are being considered when we're looking at a substance like this that's already been confirmed to be a toxic carcinogen. How do you respond?