The federal government has a model building code that provinces can opt into or out of. The government can provide incentives for provinces to opt into that. It could greatly improve that. It can drive efficient appliance standards and make them much higher. In particular, the big decision coming up is on autos. It is important to improve the efficiency of our vehicle fleet and transfer it or shift it away from the internal combustion engine to primarily electric, probably, but there could also be some fuel cells, etc.
For the lower, close to zero-carbon transportation alternatives, we really need cogent standards, because if you try to do that with just a carbon tax, the carbon tax has to be super high to get big uptake, whereas, as we've seen, if you raise the building code, no one really notices that there's more insulation in their walls. It's not the kind of thing that anyone sees, but the fact that their heating bills are lower is good for their pocketbook. It's good for the environment, and it's good for our future.