The report we're talking about is “Clean Growth and Climate Change in Canada: International Leadership”.
The motion is talking about two additional meetings responding to the IPCC report. Last week we talked about pollution and that polluters will have to pay for pollution. We asked for two meetings on that, and it was sad that the committee decided we're not going to study the issue of polluters paying for pollution.
I find this a little confusing, that we're not going to deal with pollution but we're going to deal with the IPCC report. I will support the motion, but I find it concerning that when we actually deal with pollution and the lack of enforcement, the component of enforcement, the committee did not want to deal with that. Regarding Volkswagen, the pollution fines they experienced in Europe and in the United States were at $14.7 billion, but in Canada we don't want to talk about enforcement relating to pollution.
I will support the motion, but I find it concerning that we are being selective and not consistent.
Thank you.